Usaru, Amuna Kadipur (Barun) Faizabad Uttar Pradesh India 224001
General Rules and School Discipline
Be regular in attendance and never be late to the school.
No student may leave the school premises during school hours (including the recess) without the permission of principal.
Habitual idleness, irregular attendance, disobedience or conduct injurious to the moral tone of the school is sufficient reason for dismissal of the student.
No Books (other than text hooks or library book), Magazines, Comics Pictures etc. may be brought to the school.
No responsibility for the goods or money lost. Valuable articles should not be brought to the school.
Fee must be paid by the 15 of the every month.
Try to make your child independent. Never complete his/her homework.
An occasional help and a vigil is all that is needed. Punctuality should be in sending and taking your child from school.